Become an Accredited Driving School

At the Instructor College, we're not just dedicated to promoting high-quality driving instruction—we're also committed to empowering driving schools to thrive in a competitive market. Our Accredited Driving School program is designed to support driving schools across Australia in delivering top-notch education and in driving their business forward.

When you become an Accredited Driving School, you gain access to an array of exclusive benefits curated to bolster your school's growth and enhance your instructors' professional capabilities:

Exclusive Discounts: Benefit from discounted rates on our TLI41221 Cert IV in Transport and Logistics (Car Driving Instruction) course for your future and prospective Driving Instructors.

Specialised Training: Boost your instructors' skills with exclusive webinars and training sessions led by industry experts.

Business Coaching and Growth Strategies: Get tailored guidance from experienced business coaches to help your school grow. Learn practical strategies to attract more students, streamline your operations, and increase your revenue.

Accredited School SignageShowcase your accreditation status with pride. Receive signage for your driving school's vehicles and digital badges for your website and social media platforms, enhancing your credibility and visibility.

Driving Instructor Recruitment: Exclusive access to our trainees who are undergoing training to become driving instructors and may be seeking opportunities to align themselves with a reputable driving school upon completing their qualification. By being part of our program, you gain the advantage of connecting with these skilled individuals early on, potentially securing talented instructors for your driving school and fostering a network of highly qualified professionals to enhance your team.

Networking Opportunities: Forge valuable connections at our networking events, where you can exchange insights and best practices with other accredited schools.

Marketing Assistance: Improve your school's online presence and reach more students with our local SEO tools, resources and social media strategies.

Priority Access: Stay ahead of the curve with early access to new courses and significant updates in our training programs.

Accredited School Listing: Boost your reputation with a listing on our trusted partners' page, increasing your exposure to potential students.

Joining our Accredited Driving School program is more than gaining a membership—it's entering a supportive partnership. We're here to assist you in providing the highest quality of driving instruction and in achieving your business growth goals. Drive your way to success by becoming an Accredited Driving School with The Instructor College today!

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